For flights departing from Brisbane, please contact Toll Freight.
For freight departing Cairns Airport and Townsville Airport, freight must be consigned via Air Freight Handling Services (AFHS). All freight consignments are to be lodged a minimum of 2 hours prior to scheduled departure time. Please note change in freight handling agent from 1 July 2022. Account customers will be able to continue to use their current account codes and Rex connotes for lodgement of freight. Please call AFHS on 07 4050 4206. Operating Hours (AEST): Monday 5:30am–6pm Tuesday 5:30am–6pm Wednesday 5:30am–6pm Thursday 5:30am–6pm Friday 5:30am–6pm Saturday 7am–3pm Sunday 5:30am–3pm AFHS operates out of the Qantas Freight Terminal at Cairns Airport. Address: Regional Trade Distribution Centre , 1 Caudron Avenue, Cairns Airport, Aeroglen QLD 4870